Connect … with God, with Others, in Service

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27



Pinewoods Women's Ministry is an intentional effort to join God as He does His transformative work in the lives of women. We work together to provide opportunities for women to be nurtured to enjoy the abundant life God offers us as His beloved children. We desire to give intentional care to the entire person - head, heart, and hands - so that we understand truth, become more like Jesus, and engage in His purposes where He places us.



Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount (Precept Upon Precept) - alternating Wednesdays, 9 am -10:30 am – Room 28 by the Fellowship Hall

Contact: Sheryl Biles -

Sewing for Safe Harbor - A monthly gathering to supply receiving blankets for infants. Everyone is welcome whether you are a skilled seamstress or not. Bring your machine or help with cutting, ironing, and other parts of the process. See the church calendar for the next date.

Contact: Susan Whittle -

Mug and Muffin - Held quarterly and hosted in different homes, this casual, low-key connecting point is a chance to know one another better and catch up on how God is unfolding His purposes for each of us. See the church calendar for the next date.

Contact: Lydia Abram -


Women's Ministry also oversees the care connections during major life events like baby and bridal showers, as well as meals for those dealing with illness or a death in the family.

Contacts: Showers – Catarina Lamberti -

       Meals - Hannah Lee -

       Funerals - Cookie Poynter -



Please see the church calendar HERE to explore upcoming special events. We would love to see you there!

Please let us know if we can help you connect with God, with others, or with opportunities to serve.

Contact information is in the church directory or by contacting the church office.

We'd love to connect with you.

The Women's Ministry Administration Team: Lydia Abram, Lynne Bates, LeeAnn Dean, Becky Dietz, Catarina Lamberti, and Hannah Lee.